Saturday, January 31, 2009

Art can be fun, if you make it that way

Thusday night was so much fun! I met Ariel, Audrey and Preston at the Dallas Museum of Art for their Colors exhibit. That's not the real name but I can't remember what it was. It was a strange exhibit where in one showcase there was a spotlight focused on a spinning mirror in a large room. That's it. The coolest was a round standing screen that you step into and colors change and fade and blink. I really liked it. On the other hand, there was one showcase with an electric fan suspended from the ceiling and blowing itself in arcs and circles around the room. Yeah.
We finally got to the painting portion of the museum and I made some snarky comments about one that's frame was really nice and another that looked like a monkey smoking a cigarette. lol Really it did.
After the museum we went to sushi. So good. It's been a long time since I had sushi. Preston is really cute and funny. I thought he might have been gay but is apparently not. lol. Oops. He also graduated from Texas A&M Galveston in 05 with a degree in engineering. I knew he seemed familiar but I hadn't met him before through Ariel so I thought I was just going crazy. I'd seen his face before. Phew. Not crazy.
Then I ditched them for Chelle and Chris at the House of Blues. People watching included some really bad dancing to some really good jazz and blues. After we left the HOB, we went to the Fox and Hound for drinks and pool. I kicked pool ass. Chris is really cute and nice.
Friday, Chelle and I worked at the sanctuary and we did dishes and food distribution. Lots of grinding, scissoring, and weighing horse meat. The muscle in my right arm from scissoring for an hour is killer.

Tomorrow is the Superbowl party!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby it (was) cold outside and other happenings

So people in school in Denton/Dallas area got two days off from school because of this ice business. Kody really enjoys ice cubes so he loved breaking off the icicles and chewing them up. Bosco watched him do and started to join in! It was hilarious.
Friday I went and saw Underworld Rise of the Lycans. I liked it well enough. It was on par with the other two movies and entertaining. It does not have Kate Bekinsdale in it but it holds its own. Saturday I went with my parents to see Inkheart. Meh. Not great, not bad. Renter. I applaud movies that get kids interested in reading books. Unicorn. Andy Serkis. Good times.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Before I moved to galveston for school, I volunteered at Insync Exotics in Wylie, TX. It's a big cat sanctuary. I'm not talking obese house cats, I'm talking tigers, lions, cougars, leopards, lynxes, and servals. My previous experience there included going on a rescue of two tigers with me staying in the back of a U-Haul with them in cages ( I had a cage for myself, just in case) and hand feeding a 6 week old tiger cub.
Now that I am back in the Metroplex, I have restarted volunteering there and there is so much improvement from the last time I was there. They have doubled their capacity and cat count! I really love it there. Today, I cleaned cages, which means moving cats from cages and scooping and pressure washing the floors. It's dirty work. I gave meat treats to some of the tigers and it's impressive.
Tigers have a greeting called chuffing. They push air through their noses in short blasts. A few tigers aren't that into people but most greet visitors with this chuff. They will rub their face against the fence as they would rub face to face in greeting other tigers. Kshama, the cub that was there when I was there last, has grown huge and is very people friendly. She loves to lay against the fence so you can scratch between the shoulder blades. One of the cougars spent 5 minutes licking my palm and fingerprints off.

There's just something about that place. It feels good to be back.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just the Beginning

I don't know what I'll write about in this blog, whether it'll be witty, angry or from the heart. I'll tell the truth and it might be too much information. It might be a ponderance or just a snapshot of the day. It may even be interesting. I'll try to keep it posted often enough but no promises.

Here's my start.

Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty poem,
Sing a mumble-grumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance
'Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain't been there before.

~Shel Silverstein