Monday, June 14, 2010

Long awaited update!!

Sorry it's been so long since I've given an update. My bad. Here's what's going on with me...

The main thing is that I've been laid off. I'm doing a little bit of work with the US Census Bureau but we're out of work right now so I'm just relying on unemployment money to get me through. I'm applying to pretty much everything I come across for the Dallas, N. Dallas area. I've had a few interviews but nothing has panned out.

Megan has been staying with Chelle and myself for the last month or so. She's working at the Vet Clinic for the summer and crashing on an air mattress in our dining area.

Megan's wedding is coming up real soon. Less than two weeks! It's going to be a great time to see everyone. I have to come up with a speech as I am the Maid of Honor. What to say!?! Wish me luck.

No dating to speak of really. Went on a few with a few but, like my job searches, nothing has panned out.

I'll be going to the family cottage in PA for the 4th of July this year and I'm wicked excited. I haven't been in a few years and I've realized I miss it. Gotta make sure someone will be there.... :)

That's pretty much everything I can think of right now. I'll try to remember to keep up with this this time. :)

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