Thursday, February 19, 2009

Paper faces on parade

On my way to College Station for some much needed Megan time with Chelle! We are going to a masquerade so pictures will ensue!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Puppy update

Kody has picked up some silly quirks while living at my parent's house. lol
1. He hears the ice machine whenever anyone is getting ice from the door of the refridgerator. He runs to the fridge and sits and waits until he is given an ice cube.
1.5. When we had the ice storm, Kody ate the icicles off the table, chairs and whatever else they were on. He turned Bosco onto it too.
2. Dad eats peanuts from a glass jar with a plastic top. When he opens that top, Kody comes running. He likes peanuts.
3. Kody consistently lifts his leg to pee on things. He's a male and I'm so proud.
4. He loves fresh trout. Whole and uncleaned. Head and all.
5. When we were rennovating the garage, we had some hispanic guys working in the house. Kody would bark and bark at them when they came through the house to let us know they were there. Even after he was introduced to them, he still barked. Not the BEWARE, I BITE bark but the YOU MAKE ME NERVOUS AND THESE ARE MY PEOPLE bark.
6. He actually cries when he needs to be let out now. On a side, he doesn't excited or nervous pee anymore.
7. Mom doesn't like Kody to lick her face so, of course, he is sneakiest about licking her. She doesn't invite him to come to her so she can pet him so he is most insistent about going to her whether she likes it or not. It's like he is say, YOU WILL LIKE ME! She loves him.

That's all that I can really think of right now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Old enough to ride a bike

And this is why I don't like living at home. My activities and whereabouts are accounted for and logged. I can't just get up and go somewhere; it needs to be run by my parents and it's pissing me off. Like I'm not almost 25. Like I don't have plans aside from theirs.
I have a friend in Wichita I would like to see, visit and spend time with, aside from being at the hospital. I would probably be spending the night with this friend (who is male) but I can't do that if I have the only car available for driving to and from the hospital. I can't do that when, were I to not return to the hotel at night, I would get the "shame on you look" and talk afterwards, like I was doing something I shouldn't. First of all, none of their business, second of all I'M nearly 25! What do they think happens!? I know they already assume and they are hippies so it's not a shock to them but it's my mom I get the worst from. I can't be discreet if I don't come back. I was just going to go on my Thursday and spend a few ngihts staying at his place and seeing Uncle Joe during the day. Good, casual plan. NOT IF I'M EXPECTED TO WAIT TO TRAVEL WITH MY MOTHER THIS WEEKEND. and only early Saturday and Sunday. Back on Monday. What if I wanted to stay a few days? I can't because the ride I came with is leaving.

What if I were to get a boyfriend? I couldn't just not come home at night and he certainly couldn't stay until morning where my parents would see his car. Can you say AWKWARD. I need a job so I can move out. Lord, I need to move out.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I'm at the Wichita hospital Surgical ICU waiting room for Uncle Joe. Things are going okay. He's roughed up but they are certain he will make it. Still in the drug-induced coma. breathing tube. broken everything. *Sigh*

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I did this a month ago but it's really going around now so I posted it in response to Beachski.

Ok, so there's this 25 random facts BS going around, but maybe it'll be fun. I don't know if I'll make it to 25... Feel free to do this as well, but if you have better things to do, I totally understand.
1. I crush and get crushed very easily.
2. I have no major goals in life nor do I have a specific passion. I like a lot of things but nothing that I LOOOOOOVE and it makes me feel like I bring nothing to the table.
3. People watching is a hobby.
4. I love to read and I read quickly. The hard part is that I don't always read everything on the page. I'll read the first and last sentence of a paragraph, decide if it's interesting enough and then go back if it is. This is all subconsiously done and I didn't realize I did it for a long time. If it has too much scene setting and not enough going on, I'm finished with it in a flash.
5. I love the view from heights but I'm frightened of heights. It's the falling and hitting stuff that freaks me out.
6. I want to sky dive but it would take someone to push me out for me to do. I'd thank that person when I got on the ground.
7. I can be very blunt, sometimes to the point of rudeness.
8. I wish I were a brunette and that my hair would decide if it was curly or straight.
9. I have two tattoos.
10. My dog has cost me in over $2500 in vet bills and I wouldn't have him any other way.
11. I sang the National Anthem at an airshow in front of over 5,000 people.
12. I have Fred Flintstone feet in the way they are wide. Most stores don't carry my size.
13. I was on a bowling league team.
14. I earned my beads at Mardi Gras the proper way.
15. What I want to be when I grow up changes from day to day.
16. My bed is the most fantastic thing on 4 legs.
17. I have only been drunk once in my life. It's not that I don't agree with drinking, I just don't partake a lot. I'll go out and have a couple of drinks but that's usually it. Idon't care for the taste of alcohol or the effects.
18. I have never smoked a cigarette (or any other paraphanalia).
19. I do a lot of stuff on my own, like shopping, because I am too impatient to wait for anyone. I know what I'm looking for and if I don't see it immediately, I'm gone.
20. I shop by touch. This is apparently something I have been doing since I was a tiny child. If it doesn't feel good, I don't get it.
21. Colorado is as far west as I have traveled. Ohio/North, New York/East, and Jamaica/South.
22. My biggest pet peeve is people who say they will call and don't. Male, Female, doesn't matter. Call or text it's not hard but DON'T say you will and then not.
23. I am jealous of only one person.
24. I'm not entirely sure where I stand religiously.
25. I honestly didn't think I'd get to 25. Go me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Oh Joe

I'm stressing out right now. My Uncle Joe, who just lost his partner of 20+ years, was in a terrible car accident this morning. He hasn't been taking Theron's death well at all and I'm pretty sure he was driving back from the bar. Not confirmed or anything but what else are people doing at 3:30am?
He's pretty bad. His left side is crushed and a rib punctured his lung so he's on a machine. He's in ICU and in and out of conciousness.
My mom's family is on the way! lol Family I haven't seen in a decade because she's a recluse is suddenly popping up like she cares. My mom's family dynamics are for the books, seriously. Such a hodgepodge of personality.