Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Old enough to ride a bike

And this is why I don't like living at home. My activities and whereabouts are accounted for and logged. I can't just get up and go somewhere; it needs to be run by my parents and it's pissing me off. Like I'm not almost 25. Like I don't have plans aside from theirs.
I have a friend in Wichita I would like to see, visit and spend time with, aside from being at the hospital. I would probably be spending the night with this friend (who is male) but I can't do that if I have the only car available for driving to and from the hospital. I can't do that when, were I to not return to the hotel at night, I would get the "shame on you look" and talk afterwards, like I was doing something I shouldn't. First of all, none of their business, second of all I'M nearly 25! What do they think happens!? I know they already assume and they are hippies so it's not a shock to them but it's my mom I get the worst from. I can't be discreet if I don't come back. I was just going to go on my Thursday and spend a few ngihts staying at his place and seeing Uncle Joe during the day. Good, casual plan. NOT IF I'M EXPECTED TO WAIT TO TRAVEL WITH MY MOTHER THIS WEEKEND. and only early Saturday and Sunday. Back on Monday. What if I wanted to stay a few days? I can't because the ride I came with is leaving.

What if I were to get a boyfriend? I couldn't just not come home at night and he certainly couldn't stay until morning where my parents would see his car. Can you say AWKWARD. I need a job so I can move out. Lord, I need to move out.

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