Friday, February 13, 2009

Puppy update

Kody has picked up some silly quirks while living at my parent's house. lol
1. He hears the ice machine whenever anyone is getting ice from the door of the refridgerator. He runs to the fridge and sits and waits until he is given an ice cube.
1.5. When we had the ice storm, Kody ate the icicles off the table, chairs and whatever else they were on. He turned Bosco onto it too.
2. Dad eats peanuts from a glass jar with a plastic top. When he opens that top, Kody comes running. He likes peanuts.
3. Kody consistently lifts his leg to pee on things. He's a male and I'm so proud.
4. He loves fresh trout. Whole and uncleaned. Head and all.
5. When we were rennovating the garage, we had some hispanic guys working in the house. Kody would bark and bark at them when they came through the house to let us know they were there. Even after he was introduced to them, he still barked. Not the BEWARE, I BITE bark but the YOU MAKE ME NERVOUS AND THESE ARE MY PEOPLE bark.
6. He actually cries when he needs to be let out now. On a side, he doesn't excited or nervous pee anymore.
7. Mom doesn't like Kody to lick her face so, of course, he is sneakiest about licking her. She doesn't invite him to come to her so she can pet him so he is most insistent about going to her whether she likes it or not. It's like he is say, YOU WILL LIKE ME! She loves him.

That's all that I can really think of right now.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, #4, kinda gross... his girlfriend (aka, Gracie) might judge. Then again, she might like that... I guess I'm the only one disgusted by that :) I'm glad the weather and air and stuff up there has him breathing better! Yay Kody! We miss you guys.
