Thursday, April 30, 2009

Officially Employed!

Alright, I got the job! I am now the client-caregiver liason and general office floater for a company called AssuraSource. They employ caregivers and social workers for two parts of the company. On one side, they see patients with mental and behavioral issues. This work is not done in office; these social workers travel to homes, living facilities and the occasional McDonalds to see their patients. The side I'll be working on is the Caregiver side. The clients on this side of the business are a range of people from someone needing 24 hour care in home, someone needing a caregiver to cook or grocery shop or someone needing a bath every few days. This is not hospice as it's not done by an RN but a CNA. Family members of the person needing help can call and schedule a caregiver for the tasks necessary. I will be the person scheduling these caregivers and making sure everything goes smoothly.
The pay is better than what I was making at the museum with set hours of 8-5 Mon-Fri. It's in Dallas at 635 and Hillcrest. I will have the potential for salary soon with benefits and such after 3 months depending on performance and such.
I am going to be looking for an apartment in the North Dallas area soon, like, next week.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Job Interviews

I had an interview on Monday with a business in Dallas. I think it went well. It's a basic receptionist position. I got a call today from them, asking me to come back for a second interview. Actually, it's for a different position, which is better pay and more responsibility than just filing and faxing. Crossing my fingers.
Arts and Jazz Fest was awesome. Weather=awesome, music=awesome, food=awesome.

It's been raining all afternoon. Kody needed to pee right as it started pouring and couldn't wait. So he went... and went... and went. Longest pee EVER! He looked so pathetic in the rain came back absolutely soaked. When he got in the house, he just rolled on the rug for 5 minutes trying to dry is face.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stressin' me out, I need to chill

Newest updates. Kody has strep and staph and taken antibiotics for it but he's still having his regular respiratory issues. The vets want to do a bronchoscopy which is sticking a fiber-optic camera down into his lungs to look at the tissue, accompanied with a "claw thing" to take tissue from his lungs. They really want to figure this thing out. It's over $1,000 dollars to do all this so it's not going to happen soon, if at all. My dilemma is this: the lungs are the most delicate organs in the body and don't recover well at all. Even if we find something, it may not be treatable. I could spend $1,000 to find out he'll have a chronic cough forever. Or I could spend it to possibly cure him of this cough that we've always though would be there. Big dilemma. I've spend a lot of money on this pup; $1,200 in the last month. Do I pay to get to the finish line and stop 5 feet from it?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stephen Lynchness

So this weekend was fun. Isaac came up and he, Chelle, Genevieve and myself went to see the singing comedian Stephen Lynch. Oh my stars and garters I lOVE HIM!! So funny. I laughed so hard it hurt. He's consistent with that. It was a good weekend.
Next up, Trivia Night Tuesday and Tony Lucca Thursday/dancing. I want Tony Lucca personally, but I might get overruled.