Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stressin' me out, I need to chill

Newest updates. Kody has strep and staph and taken antibiotics for it but he's still having his regular respiratory issues. The vets want to do a bronchoscopy which is sticking a fiber-optic camera down into his lungs to look at the tissue, accompanied with a "claw thing" to take tissue from his lungs. They really want to figure this thing out. It's over $1,000 dollars to do all this so it's not going to happen soon, if at all. My dilemma is this: the lungs are the most delicate organs in the body and don't recover well at all. Even if we find something, it may not be treatable. I could spend $1,000 to find out he'll have a chronic cough forever. Or I could spend it to possibly cure him of this cough that we've always though would be there. Big dilemma. I've spend a lot of money on this pup; $1,200 in the last month. Do I pay to get to the finish line and stop 5 feet from it?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry Beth. Our thoughts are with you and Kody every day!
