Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Don't you hate it when your kid is sick?

My Mr. Man, the Kodester, has been sick the last couple of days. Not really eating or drinking. His hacking, while much better these past few months, has kicked up. His throwing up this morning was from his stomach and not his lungs. I took him to the vet that we have up here. A stool sample was requested so I took him one. It was gold in color and that was concerning to the vet so he took some viles of blood to send to a lab for analysis. Gold is apparently sometimes indicitive of liver problems. =/ He was given some antibiotics and I was sent home with some anti-vomiting medicine. He's been very lethargic and I am, of course, concerned. Luckily I got him to eat some soft foods tonight and he's kept it down so there's progress. I'll update again when I get the results of the bloodwork.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, poor Kod-ster, and poor mom! I hope he feels better soon. It's always something, isn't it? This probably comes JUST as you've paid off those early-days vet bills.
