Sunday, March 29, 2009

wow, my thought process is skippy tonight

So, it's been a while. Kody's been in and out of the hospital but holding his own. On some steroids to help him be strong enough to breathe on his own. yay. Had a transtrachial wash done to analyze what is in his lungs to get a better idea of how to treat it and we are still waiting final results. Next, if it's not tooooo expensive, would be a endoscopy to biopsy some lung tissue. I think it may be too much though. Fingers crossed we figure out what this is with the wash and culture.

Stephen Lynch next Friday!! Isaac is coming up for it and Chelle, him, myself and one other lucky friend are going. I'm so excited that I think I just peed my pants. False alarm, but still excited! It should be a good weekend.

I didn't go out this weekend. I'm sad for myself. I was getting so good. Maybe I'll actually get to make it to Trivia Night on Tuesday. I hope so.

Want to go camping. Might go, just me and Kody. Chelle has expressed interest and we have expressed interest in heading to Turner Falls. It's a great place to go, even in the heat of summer because the water is always cool.

Still no job, which is frustrating me to the frays of my rope. Target hasn't even called me back. I'm feeling depressed.

Shannon and Dack's wedding in June. I need to reserve a hotel room for that. It's in Katy. It's going to be a lot of fun.

My friend Kym has named me a bridesmaid in her wedding in November. Country. Might be wearing boot-scootin' boots. lol

I'm reading a lot of books but nothing of real substance. Sometimes that's a good thing.
Robert might come visit for Arts and Jazz Fest the last weekend of April. I really love him. One of my favorite people of all time. He has such a great transferrent energy that just by being near him makes you feel better. Awesome friend to have in your arsenal. If he doesn't come up for A&JF, maybe I'll head down to the airshow in Galveston.
On that note, I can't tell one of our friends that he's coming because she'll flip out and get jealous that he's coming for me and not her. And then she'll get suspicious. But is her suspicion valid if we keep it from her? (to ponder later)

Been learning a lot of random facts from Trivia Night and Trivial Pursuit but nothing I can remember the next night. Such a shame.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear Kody's still having trouble :( I will cross my fingers for a diagnosis with the wash/culture too! You need to update the blog more often so I know what's going on. Sorry about the job thing - what an awful time right now - I know it's got to be very difficult for you, but hey, at least you're enjoying friends and family time!
